Hard disk of a computer consists of many electro-mechanical components, such as platter, head, motor, PCB etc. In India, almost in any part, it not always possible to get a completely uninterrupted power supply. Therefore, if you do not have a dedicated source to supply an uninterrupted power supply to your computer, then, with sudden power failure, there can be a possible damage to the internal components of the hard drive. This can result in the loss or inaccessibility of your valuable data in the drive and no software can be able to deal with such instances of physical damage to the hard drive. Under such cases, you need to take the help of any professional hard disk data recovery to recover your data safely.
Apart from unexpected system shut-down, there can be power surge, excessive heat, heavy magnetic flow, attack of any boot sector virus, drop/hit of the media or even spilling over of any liquid, which can lead to physical data loss situations.
Under any of the above instances of data loss, resulting in the electrical, mechanical or firmware failure to the storage media, still there are chances to bring back all your data. Even after severe data loss situation, data in the troubled media is never permanently lost, until it is being overwritten by some other data. Hence, by opting for any advanced hard disk recovery services soon after the occurrence of the data loss situation, you can be able to recover all your precious data back.
However, you must remember few things in order to recover your data from the troubled media safely. First of all, keep in mind that if any unusual clicking/clinging noise is coming out of the media on being powered-on, immediately switch it off, as running the troubled media may further aggravate the damage resulting in the non-recoverability of the data. Another important thing is that you must not open the hard disk and try to perform hard disk data recovery on your own or through any inexperienced person.
Hard drive recovery is a scientific process and need to be performed only by trained professionals. Moreover, any physically damaged storage device must only be opened inside CLASS 100 Clean Room.
NOTE: CLASS 100 Clean Room is a scientifically controlled environment, in which there are less than 100 number of dust particles of the size below 0.5 microns are present per cubic foot of air.
Stellar Data Recovery is one of the leading provider of hard disk recovery services in India. With self-developed innovative tools, techniques, large inventory of hard disks, expert team of recovery engineers, CLASS 100 Clean Room labs and more than 17 years of experience, Stellar has been the most reliable name with 100% success rate.
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